DBT in a Nutshell
Dr. Marsha Linehan
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive
cognitive-behavioral treatment for complex, difficult-to-treat
mental disorders. Originally developed to treat chronically suicidal
individuals, DBT has evolved into a treatment for multi-disordered
individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). DBT has since
been adapted for other seemingly intractable behavioral disorders
involving emotion dysregulation, including substance dependence in
individuals with BPD and binge eating, to other clinical populations
(e.g., depressed, suicidal adolescents), and to a variety of settings
(e.g., inpatient, partial hospitalization, forensic).
DBT is based on a combined capability deficit and motivational model of
BPD which states that (1) people with BPD lack important interpersonal,
self-regulation (including emotional regulation) and distress tolerance
skills, and (2) personal and environmental factors often both block and/or
inhibit the use of behavioral skills that clients do have, and reinforce
dysfunctional behaviors. DBT combines the basic strategies of behavior
therapy with eastern mindfulness practices, residing within an overarching
dialectical world view that emphasizes the synthesis of opposites.
The term dialectical is also meant to convey both the multiple
tensions that co-occur in therapy with suicidal clients with BPD as
well as the emphasis in DBT of enhancing dialectical thinking patterns
to replace rigid, dichotomous thinking. The fundamental dialectic
in DBT is between validation and acceptance of the client as they are
within the context of simultaneously helping them change. Acceptance
procedures in DBT include mindfulness (e.g., attention to the present
moment, assuming a non-judgmental stance, focusing on effectiveness)
and a variety of validation and acceptance-based stylistic strategies.
Change strategies in DBT include behavioral analysis of maladaptive
behaviors and problem-solving techniques, including skills training,
contingency management (i.e., reinforcers, punishment), cognitive
modification, and exposure-based strategies.
As a comprehensive treatment, DBT serves the following five functions:
1) enhances behavioral capabilities, 2) improves motivation to change (by
modifying inhibitions and reinforcement contingencies), 3) assures that
new capabilities generalize to the natural environment, 4) structures
the treatment environment in the ways essential to support patient
and therapist capabilities, and 5) enhances therapist capabilities
and motivation to treat patients effectively. In standard DBT, these
functions are divided among modes of service delivery, including
individual psychotherapy, group skills training, phone consultation,
and therapist consultation team.
Origins of DBT.
DBT grew out of a series of failed attempts to apply the standard
cognitive and behavior therapy protocols of the late 1970s to chronically
suicidal patients. These difficulties included:
1) focusing on change procedures was frequently experienced as
invalidating by the client and often precipitated withdrawal from therapy,
attacks on the therapist, or vacillations between these two poles;
2) teaching and strengthening new skills was extraordinarily difficult to
do within the context of an individual therapy session while concurrently
targeting and treating the client's motivation to die and suicidal
behaviors that had occurred during the previous week;
3) individuals with BPD often unwittingly reinforced the therapist for
iatrogenic treatment (e.g., a client stops attacking the therapist when
the therapist changes the topic from one the client is afraid to discuss
to a pleasant or neutral topic) and punished them for effective treatment
strategies (e.g., a client attempts suicide when the therapist refuses
to recommend hospitalization stays that reinforce suicide threats).
To overcome these difficulties, several modifications were made
that formed the basis of DBT. First, strategies that reflect radical
acceptance and validation of clients's current capabilities and
behavioral functioning were added to the treatment. The synthesis of
acceptance and change within the treatment as a whole and within each
treatment interaction led to adding the term "dialectical" to the name
of the treatment. This dialectical emphasis brings together in DBT the
"technologies of change" based on both principles of learning and crises
theory and the "technologies of acceptance" (so to speak) drawn from
principles of eastern Zen and western contemplative practices. Second,
the therapy as a whole was split into several different components,
each focusing on a specific aspect of treatment. The components in
standard outpatient DBT are highly structured individual or group skills
training (to enhance capability), individual psychotherapy (addressing
motivation and skills strengthening), and telephone contact with the
individual therapist (addressing application of coping skills). Third,
a consultation/team meeting focused specifically on keeping therapists
motivated and providing effective treatment was also added.
Behavioral Targets and Stages of Treatment in DBT.
DBT is designed to treat individuals with BPD at all levels of severity
and complexity of disorders and is conceptualized as occurring in
stages. In Stage 1, the primary focus is on stabilizing the client and
achieving behavioral control. Behavioral targets in this initial stage
of treatment include: decreasing life-threatening, suicidal behaviors
(e.g., parasuicide acts, including suicide attempts, high risk suicidal
ideation, plans and threats); (e.g., parasuicide acts, including suicide
attempts, high risk suicidal ideation, plans and threats), decreasing
therapy-interfering behaviors (e.g., missing or coming late to session,
phoning at unreasonable hours, not returning phone calls), decreasing
quality-of-life interfering behaviors (e.g., reducing behavioral patterns
serious enough to substantially interfere with any chance of a reasonable
quality of life (e.g., depression, substance dependence, homelessness,
chronically unemployed), and increasing behavioral skills (e.g., skills
in emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance,
mindfulness, and self-management). In the subsequent stages, the
treatment goals are to replace "quiet desperation" with non-traumatic
emotional experiencing [Stage 2], to achieve "ordinary" happiness and
unhappiness and reduce ongoing disorders and problems in living [Stage
3], and to resolve a sense of incompleteness and achieve joy [Stage 4].
In sum, the orientation of the treatment is to first get action under
control, then to help the patient to feel better, to resolve problems
in living and residual disorders, and to find joy and, for some, a sense
of transcendence. All research to date has focused on the severely and
multi-disordered patient who enters treatment at Stage 1.
Movement, Speed, and Flow.
DBT requires that the therapist balance use of acceptance and change
strategies within each treatment interaction, from the rapid juxtaposition
of change and acceptance techniques to the therapist's use of both
irreverent and warmly responsive communication styles. This dance
between change and acceptance are required to maintain forward movement
in the face of a client who at various moments oscillates between
suicidal crises, withdrawal and dissociative responses, rigid refusal to
collaborate, attack, rapid emotional escalation and a full collaborative
effort. In order to movement, speed, and flow, the DBT therapist must
be able to inhibit judgmental attitudes and practice radical acceptance
of the client in each moment while keeping an eye on the ultimate goal
of the treatment: to move the client from a life in hell to a life worth
living as quickly and efficiently as possible. The therapist must also
strike a balance between unwavering centeredness (i.e., believing in
oneself, the client, and the treatment) and with compassionate flexibility
(i.e., the ability to take in relevant information about the client and
modify one's position accordingly, including the ability to admit to
and repair one'™s inevitable mistakes), and a nurturing style (i.e.,
teaching, coaching, and assisting the client) with a benevolently
demanding approach (i.e., dragging out new behaviors from the client,
recognizing the client's existing capabilities and capacity to change,
having clients "do for themselves" rather than "doing for them."
Randomized Clinical Trials of DBT.
The first DBT randomized clinical trial compared DBT to a
treatment-as-usual (TAU) control condition. DBT subjects were
significantly less likely to parasuicide during the treatment year,
reported fewer parasuicide episodes at each assessment point, and had less
medically severe parasuicides over the year. DBT was more effective than
TAU at limiting treatment drop-out, the most serious therapy-interfering
behavior. DBT subjects tended to enter psychiatric units less often,
had fewer inpatient psychiatric days per patient, and improved more
on scores of global as well as social adjustment. DBT subjects showed
significantly more improvement in reducing anger than did TAU subjects.
DBT superiority was largely maintained during the one-year post-treatment
follow-up period. Since then, two RCTs have been conducted evaluating
DBT as compared to TAU and one study has been conducted comparing DBT to
an ongoing parallel treatment with matched controls. In general, results
have largely replicated the initial RCT. Koons and her associates found
that BPD women in the VA system assigned to DBT had greater reductions in
parasuicide acts and in depression scores than those assigned to TAU and
those assigned to DBT (but not to TAU) also had significant improvements
in suicide ideation, hopelessness, anger, hostility, and dissociation.
In our recent application of DBT to substance dependent individuals
with BPD, DBT subjects had greater reductions in illicit substance
use (measured by both structured interview and urinalyses) both during
treatment and at follow-up and greater improvements in global functioning
and social adjustment at follow-up.